Bike Sessions
We ride all year round. During the winter you can take part in road or MTB social rides or work up a sweat with us during a virtual indoor turbo class on Zwift.
As the days get warmer we love to start riding outside. We run a social ride out on Sunday, starting in Beccles and with an obligatory cafe stop to refuel. The social rides are for all abilities and no-one gets left behind.
Faster ride outs are organised ad-hoc by club members. These could be a club fun time trial, Sunday pre-social fast session, rides with other clubs or MTB riding. The club also participates in official time trials held by other local cycling clubs. So there's always something going on!
More details on bike sessions held throughout the year can be found on the Events page.

Winter Social Bike Sessions
Our schedule of Sunday rides continues into the winter months. Various formats, distances and destinations - see the website for details.
The routes will be different each week, some road, some MTB, some virtual (ie Zwift). Some long, some short. The lead team will ensure the group stays together and no-one gets left behind.
For more information please see the Events page.