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Beccles Triathlon 2019

Roly Shaw

The 2019 Beccles Triathlon is scheduled for Sunday 9th June and entries are planned to open on Saturday 15th December 2018.

The triathlon generates a considerable amount of funding for our adopted charity - The Beccles Lido. It is second only to the Beccles Beer Festival in this respect. In return, the club also benefits through being given a proportion of the triathlon profits and use of the lido all summer for a nominal fee. So, it is clear that a successful triathlon goes a long way to ensuring the well-being of our club.

As you will appreciate, a considerable amount of resource is required to put on such an event. We are fortunate to have a small, dedicated team of members who will be working through the winter to ensure that the event is a success. However, there are a multitude of roles, of all shapes, sizes and durations, that need to be undertaken before the event can happen. The Beccles Triathlon Club Main and Race Committees have therefore agreed that Beccles Triathlon Club members should be aware that a condition of entry for 2019 will be to commit to assisting the running of the event in some way. This is consistent with many other clubs. There will be a tick box on registration.

Roles include marshalling, signage, setting up, clearing away, admin support, prize / medal / mementos / goody bag / swim caps / race numbers duties, liaison with other organisations, risk assessments, publicity etc. The commitment will be approximately 1/2 day either side of the event with most effort required on Saturday and/or Sunday afternoon.

BTC are obliged to assist at Norwich Tri, in lieu of the help we get from Tri-Anglia for our event. In 2019, we are manning the Norwich transition and will need about six people. BTC members entering Beccles Triathlon can opt to help at Norwich on July 7th instead, subject to need, if this enables them to compete.

In particular, we are looking for members (not intending to race) who will take on roles covering transition / swim / bike / run co-ordination and leadership roles. If you feel you can help in this way, then contact Roly or Shaun.


Roly Shaw



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