Hello Everyone,
We plan to start our COVID secure run sessions this Thursday 8th October 2020 at 19:00 from the Sir John Leman High School car park railings. Thanks to everyone within the club who has made this possible.
Similar to the swimming arrangements, please see here the runner protocol and book via the website if you plan to attend. NO BOOKING = NO RUNNING. An outline of the session will also be on the website.
Run sessions for October are live on the Website, links as follows: 8th October: Killer Kilometers https://www.becclestriclub.com/events-1/run-session-roly-killer-kilometers 15th October: Steps Downwards https://www.becclestriclub.com/events-1/run-session-roly-steps-downwards-2 22nd October: Reducing Blocks https://www.becclestriclub.com/events-1/run-session-suzy-reducing-blocks-3 29th October: 1200 metre Repeats https://www.becclestriclub.com/events-1/run-session-marcus-1200-metre-repeats If you are nervous about the arrangements or have any questions, please make contact.
Roly Shaw
Head Coach