On 31st May we will be joining Norfolk Gazelles and 25 other running/triathlon clubs in Norfolk and Suffolk for the 'Don't Pass It On!' Lockdown Relay!!! Get involved if you can, it just requires being able to go for a walk/jog/run for 1 hour between 6am–11pm.. Oh and carrying a 'baton' of your choosing while you do it! So far we have 26 members taking part, if you can spare an hour, then please join in. This relay is not about how fast you are, it is about taking part! You can run or walk the 1 hour slot, we just need the distance covered in that time to go to an aggregated total. If you're interested please get in touch with Ty here
https://www.norfolkgazelles.co.uk/virtual-relay.php This is a charity event raising funds for the Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals Charity and Nelson's Journey, donations are not mandatory to take part. https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Team/Norfolkrunningclubs